Hi! I’m Jen White, and I’m fanatical about making sure I eke every ounce of goodness out of every kit—even the ones I’m not crazy about when I first see them. After 5 years of using the techniques I teach in this class, I’m now an expert at turning a ho-hum kit into one I love and actually use—every time! And I can teach you to do the same.
Some of my suggestions will make you slap your forehead and say, “Now, why didn’t I think of that before?!!”
Other ideas will have you declaring, “I never would have thought to do that in a million years—but what a cool idea!”
Perhaps the biggest benefit you’ll receive from this class is learning to think outside the box. You’ll no longer be "stuck" with a kit that really doesn’t float your boat. In fact, you’ll feel empowered when you transform a kit or element into something you love and use!
Take the element below, for example. I made it by combining two elements—I took some beads from a confetti element and combined them with a string. (One of my lessons is on how to "deconstruct" confetti to form great new elements.)
This class contains 30 videos teaching 22 fun and practical "make-it-better" techniques. Video instructions are for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements and are Mac and Windows friendly.
Step-by-step written instructions are also included. PLUS you’ll be inspired by additional examples of how you can use these techniques on your scrapbook pages!
Do you have a few alpha sets stashed away among your kits? Ever use them? ... I didn’t think so.
Click here to view one of my lessons.You’ll find out what I do with alpha sets that makes it much more likely I’ll actually use them!
Learn at your own pace, whenever it’s convenient for you! Because you have instant access to all class materials, you can start scrapping smarter and faster today.
Your investment for this terrific class is only $22.00 with Forever Access to the classroom.
Click below to sign up!
Give yourself the gift of learning today!
See you in class,